Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater – Gameplay, Voice Actors, And Everything We Know

However, Sony says Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater isn't actually real

Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater is one of the most anticipated games in history and as it starts to get confirmed, everyone gets eager. The game, a remake of the original Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater from back in the day and is said to be an awesome for newcomers as well as long-time fans. We know quite a bit about the gameplay mechanics, who some of the talented voice actors involved in this game are.

Gameplay Mechanics

Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater is a sequel to the stealth-based gameplay of the series for decades. This takes players back to the treacherous jungles during the Cold War, with them playing as iconic soldier Naked Snake trekking on a deadly mission. A graphical overhaul is present while the gameplay mechanics have also been updated to ensure a smoother experience all around.

The game will feature a combination of stealth, combat and survival mechanics as players make their way through enemy territory. There is only so much even the best of us can take, and changing things up over a period as substantial deadlock may dilute what we know works (¿Captain Toad: Detective Beast?). In order to successfully complete assignments, a lot will depend on crafting survival things and thinking of strategies.

Voice Actors

One of the cornerstones of the Metal Gear Solid series has always been its storytelling, complimented by memorable performances from a talented voice cast. This reimagining will feature some familiar voice actors that fans know and love, alongside a few more additions in an effort to help make the narrative truly shine.

It was confirmed David Hayter will once again voice the character of Naked Snake It also boasts a supporting cast of other returning characters — some of which will be getting a new actor playing them, but it is unclear exactly who just yet — as well for any long-time followers hoping to treat themselves with the updated story.

What We Know So Far

We are now less than two months from the release of Fire Emblem: Three Houses, which means we will soon learn more and more about the game through trailers or developer interviews. Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater, will be an updated version of the classic hit that is developed to take full advantage of current-gen technology with all-new visually stunning photorealistic graphics recreating what players loved about MATAL GEAR and presenting it in a whole new light.

We are expecting the game to be fairly lengthy, deep gameplay-wise and riddled with a large number of secrets as well as side missions not adding roster characters like POWER STAR 3 that will encourage multiple playthroughs. Gamers wait for special editions and pre-order bonuses that typically come before the release date of any major game.


If the synergy between tried-and-true gameplay and a talented voice cast is as strong in Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater, this could be an exciting new entry for fans of Kojima's iconic series . With the game inching closer and closer to launch, there has been a lot of sentiment around how it will pay homage to its roots while bringing in new stuff that cafsn intrigue both old fans and an entire genration fo players. Stay tuned for more announcements as this game should take the stealth-action experience into new territory!

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